Friday, October 18, 2013

Calling for your support and comments for Traffic Easement on Rampart

Congratulations again to Tiffany and all the neighbors on Rampart who have put in a several year effort to get traffic easement measures in place on Rampart within the Barrett Hills neighborhood. Please read this letter and consider going to the meeting for public support of this effort or contact Tracy Whitley at 876-5418 or to let her know you support this effort. We need 50% of the neighborhood's support for this plan to be approved so please respond or attend this meeting!

October 11, 2013

Subject: Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (NTMP) Meeting Notice for Rampart Drive Dear
Resident/Property Owner:
The Sacramento County Department of Transportation (SACDOT) has received a petition from residents
in your neighborhood requesting speed controls through our Neighborhood Traffic Management Program
(NTMP). A neighborhood meeting has been scheduled to receive input from residents and to present
viable traffic management options for Rampart Drive between Winding Way and Barrett Road. Meeting
time and location information is listed below.

Date & Time:     Wednesday, October 30, 2013
6:00 PM- 7:00 PM

Location:            John Barrett Middle School
Multi-Purpose Room 4243 Barrett Road
Carmichael, CA 95608

It is very important that you participate in this process. During the development of the traffic
management plan, you can provide your input via attending the meeting, calling, or sending an
email. After the traffic plan is developed, a survey postcard and a copy of the plan will be sent
to both residents and property owners to determine the support from the neighborhood. The NTMP
process requires that 50% of residents respond to the survey postcard and the majority supports the
traffic management plan before the plan can be considered for final approval. (emphasis added by blog administrator)

We highly encourage you to attend the meeting to provide input into the development of the traffic
management plan. If you have any questions or are unable to attend the meeting, please contact
Tracy Whitley at 876-5418 or and provide us with your input regarding the
proposed traffic plan. For more information on the NTMP, please visit the NTMP website at

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