Wednesday, November 5, 2014

After Hours Park Entry Reported

Just wanted to remind people that we keep track of and report anyone who enters the park after hours, and would really appreciate your help in reporting these activities to the Sheriff's Dept, and let me know so I can keep a log for the CRPD folks. More reports means more patrols, and allows me to keep a list so I can prove to CRPD that we have a need for their very limited resources for ranger patrols.

The most recent reported individuals have been wandering the park around 7:30-7:45 p.m. with flashlights and parking near the service entrance in an F250 white truck, and had an additional car (silver 4-dr sedan pontiac?). We have the license plates and have reported the entry into the sheriff's dept and the CRPD folks.

Please feel free to let me know if you observe any suspicious behavior or off hour entry into the park, or have any questions about other behaviors reported. We just want to make sure that people feel safe, the park is being utilized and appreciated for the enjoyment of the public in a respectful and lawful manner, and we very much would like to curb vandalism, trash dumping, graffiti, and other nuisance issues in our lovely park. Thank you to everyone for caring and keeping the park beautiful for everyone!

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Thank you so much for taking the time to leave us a comment. We will do our best to respond in a timely manner, and ask that you contact the Sac Sheriff Dept. for immediate safety concerns of any type at 911 or 874-5115 (non-emergency). Be alert, be aware, and stay safe!