Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Increase of After Hours Entry/ Parking

Just a reminder to let everyone know that Jan Park is closed after dusk, and we ask that neighbors contact the Sheriff's non-emergency number for entry into the park after hours. There has been a number of incidences of cars being targeted for theft, breaking and entering, and vandalism which we are determined to try and fight back against by reporting suspicious behavior of this sort. I know that the warmer nights and spring break timing tends to increase our young adult quotient around the park, but we would appreciate making sure neighbors feel safe, and that includes reporting entry into the park after hours and "parking" behavior that can be connected potentially to illegal behavior. If you know of folks who may not be aware of the open hours of the park, please pass this information on as you see fit :)

Remember when calling the Sheriff's Dept. for any reason, to speak clearly and answer their questions completely, identify yourself as a member of your street's neighborhood watch, describe the behavior or actions you are reporting thoroughly with as much detail as you can, and if you would like officers to contact you when they respond, you can ask that the dispatcher place a note to be called by the responding officer.

Thank you for your help all, and have a wonderful evening.

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Thank you so much for taking the time to leave us a comment. We will do our best to respond in a timely manner, and ask that you contact the Sac Sheriff Dept. for immediate safety concerns of any type at 911 or 874-5115 (non-emergency). Be alert, be aware, and stay safe!