Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Save Our Water-from Susan Peters

Sacramento County
You are subscribed to updates from District 3 - Susan Peters for Sacramento County. 

Dear Friends,
The past three winters have been some of the driest on record for the Sacramento area, with 2013 being the driest of them all. The Governor has asked all of us to voluntarily reduce water use by 20 percent - a request that can be easily achieved with a few simple steps and using common sense.
Although there are plenty of ways to save water indoors, most of our water use happens outdoors. Landscape irrigation alone accounts for 70 percent of total water used on average. During the winter months, cooler temperatures make it easy to conserve water, as landscapes need very little. Something as simple as reducing each irrigation cycle by two minutes can save up to 80 gallons per day.
Other easy water conservation measures include turning the tap water off when brushing your teeth; using a broom or rake rather than a hose when cleaning up fallen leaves, dirt, and debris; and checking irrigation systems for leaks and repair as necessary.
Your specific water provider may have information about how you can help in the effort.  To obtain tips about how to save water and locate local your provider, please visit the Be Water Smart link by the Regional Water Authority. 
Thank you for helping to conserve.
Supervisor, Third District


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