This is a site to keep updated on local Neighborhood Watch groups and Park Watch for the Lincoln-Barrett area of Carmichael, CA.
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Junk trailer left near park-possible tenant/homeless encampment signs
Found this near the service entrance to Jan Park this morning and called 311 (it's a great resource by the way, please do be sure to use it!) to report dumping/possible homeless encampment nearby. The contact group who will be working to enforce this morning is the County Parking Enforcement at 916-606-2023.
For more information on 311, and all the services it can help you get in contact with for non-emergency needs, please go to: There is even a mobile app for your smartphone!
If you see any signs of homeless encampment in the park, please call Jerry Epler at the Carmichael Recreation and Park District and let him know.
Here is a link for information on Sacramento County Code Enforcement:
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Pay attention to your mail-Carmichael Recreations and Park District Funding Measure
Good morning all,
By now you may have received a ballot from the Carmichael Recreation and Park District about a new funding measure that they would like homeowners in this area to vote on. Take a look at a few links to find out more about the ballot measure, and please do take the time to vote and let your voice be heard, whether you agree or disagree with the measure's request.
What is it?
FAQ about the measure:
Poster with more info:
By now you may have received a ballot from the Carmichael Recreation and Park District about a new funding measure that they would like homeowners in this area to vote on. Take a look at a few links to find out more about the ballot measure, and please do take the time to vote and let your voice be heard, whether you agree or disagree with the measure's request.
What is it?
FAQ about the measure:
Poster with more info:
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Recent Vehicle Break-ins and After Hours Activity in Jan Park
Good morning all,
We just wanted to let you all know that unfortunately we had two vehicle break-ins on Marble Way on February 18th in the evening sometimes. Valuable items were stolen from the vehicles, and may have been why these cars were targeted. Please be very careful to not leave valuables in your cars, and as always, report any suspicious behaviors, sounds, etc to the non-emergency sheriff's number, of to 911 if a crime is in progress.
We also wanted to let everyone know that there have been a number of instances recently with young adults in the park after hours being loud, bringing alcohol and other substances into the park, graffitti and vandalism, and parking in front of neighbors homes to carry on these behaviors late at night. There has also been suspicious movements of cars with young adults transferring between cars and hand offs that look to be possible narcotics related activities toward the far northern corner of Jan Drive, near Slate and Ranger Way in the late afternoons. Please be aware of these activities, report anything out of the ordinary, and do make sure to remind your young adults in the home that the park is closed after dusk and neighbors do contact the Sheriff's Dept. for after hours entry.
If we all do our best to support each other, report suspicious activity, be aware and make it known that we are watching, criminals will take their interests elsewhere.
Thank you to all of you excellent folks out there doing your best to keep our neighborhood safe!
We just wanted to let you all know that unfortunately we had two vehicle break-ins on Marble Way on February 18th in the evening sometimes. Valuable items were stolen from the vehicles, and may have been why these cars were targeted. Please be very careful to not leave valuables in your cars, and as always, report any suspicious behaviors, sounds, etc to the non-emergency sheriff's number, of to 911 if a crime is in progress.
We also wanted to let everyone know that there have been a number of instances recently with young adults in the park after hours being loud, bringing alcohol and other substances into the park, graffitti and vandalism, and parking in front of neighbors homes to carry on these behaviors late at night. There has also been suspicious movements of cars with young adults transferring between cars and hand offs that look to be possible narcotics related activities toward the far northern corner of Jan Drive, near Slate and Ranger Way in the late afternoons. Please be aware of these activities, report anything out of the ordinary, and do make sure to remind your young adults in the home that the park is closed after dusk and neighbors do contact the Sheriff's Dept. for after hours entry.
If we all do our best to support each other, report suspicious activity, be aware and make it known that we are watching, criminals will take their interests elsewhere.
Thank you to all of you excellent folks out there doing your best to keep our neighborhood safe!
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Crime Report 2/12/14
Remember, you can find this information at
- Theft02/06/20144200 Block PROSPECT DR
- Theft from Vehicle02/03/20144400 Block HACKBERRY LN
- Breaking & Entering02/01/20145700 Block WINDMILL WAY
- Theft from Vehicle01/30/20144500 Block COLBY WAY
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Save Our Water-from Susan Peters
You are subscribed to updates from District 3 - Susan Peters for Sacramento County.
The past three winters have been some of the driest on record for the Sacramento area, with 2013 being the driest of them all. The Governor has asked all of us to voluntarily reduce water use by 20 percent - a request that can be easily achieved with a few simple steps and using common sense. Although there are plenty of ways to save water indoors, most of our water use happens outdoors. Landscape irrigation alone accounts for 70 percent of total water used on average. During the winter months, cooler temperatures make it easy to conserve water, as landscapes need very little. Something as simple as reducing each irrigation cycle by two minutes can save up to 80 gallons per day. Other easy water conservation measures include turning the tap water off when brushing your teeth; using a broom or rake rather than a hose when cleaning up fallen leaves, dirt, and debris; and checking irrigation systems for leaks and repair as necessary. Your specific water provider may have information about how you can help in the effort. To obtain tips about how to save water and locate local your provider, please visit the Be Water Smart link by the Regional Water Authority. Thank you for helping to conserve. SUSAN PETERS Supervisor, Third District __________________________________________ Our free news notifications are not a substitute for official means of notification where such exist. You can view or update your subscriptions at any time on your User Profile Page by just using your email address. For questions or assistance,
Monday, February 10, 2014
Very Important Information!! Postal Service truck broken into-items may be lost
Greetings neighbors,
We have had an unfortunate incident occur for our local Post Office mail carrier today, and unfortunately mail was stolen from the vehicle at around 11:45 a.m. today for our area. You will be receiving a notice in the mail regarding this crime from the U.S. Postal Service if your home was affected, but we would like to make sure everyone shares this information quickly and considers if they were expecting any checks, packages, or other mail that may have had personal information on it. The news we have received is that the items that were taken are considered "flats"-like magazines, leaflets, pamphlets, advertisements, etc., but, just as precaution, we would encourage everyone to:
- take any necessary steps to secure your identity information, watch your bank accounts, credit cards, etc carefully for unauthorized usage
- contact any vendors you may have expected items from to see if they can give you tracking data, if the items do not arrive in the normal expected timeframe
The best way to stop this from occurring in the future folks is for everyone to keep their eyes out for suspicious behavior and please report any and all suspicious behavior! Do not be afraid to contact the non-emergency sheriff's number when a crime is not in progress or call 911 if it is. All suspicious behavior should be reported to the Sheriff's Dept. so they can help us protect our neighborhood friends and family, and give them the chance to do their job well.
Here is a great little list about suspicious activity from the Elk Grove PD website:
Hope this post finds you all in every other way well :) Happy Monday!
We have had an unfortunate incident occur for our local Post Office mail carrier today, and unfortunately mail was stolen from the vehicle at around 11:45 a.m. today for our area. You will be receiving a notice in the mail regarding this crime from the U.S. Postal Service if your home was affected, but we would like to make sure everyone shares this information quickly and considers if they were expecting any checks, packages, or other mail that may have had personal information on it. The news we have received is that the items that were taken are considered "flats"-like magazines, leaflets, pamphlets, advertisements, etc., but, just as precaution, we would encourage everyone to:
- take any necessary steps to secure your identity information, watch your bank accounts, credit cards, etc carefully for unauthorized usage
- contact any vendors you may have expected items from to see if they can give you tracking data, if the items do not arrive in the normal expected timeframe
The best way to stop this from occurring in the future folks is for everyone to keep their eyes out for suspicious behavior and please report any and all suspicious behavior! Do not be afraid to contact the non-emergency sheriff's number when a crime is not in progress or call 911 if it is. All suspicious behavior should be reported to the Sheriff's Dept. so they can help us protect our neighborhood friends and family, and give them the chance to do their job well.
Here is a great little list about suspicious activity from the Elk Grove PD website:
What is Suspicious?
Anything that seems even slightly "out of place" or is occurring at an unusual time of day or night could be criminal activity. The following are some obvious things to watch for:
- A stranger entering your neighbor’s house when it is unoccupied;
- A scream heard anywhere might mean robbery or assault;
- Offers of merchandise at ridiculously low prices may mean stolen property;
- Anyone removing accessories, license plates, or gas from a vehicle should be reported;
- Anyone peering into parked vehicles may be looking for a vehicle to steal or for valuables left in the vehicle;
- Persons entering or leaving a place of business after hours;
- A sound of breaking glass or loud explosive noises could mean an accident, burglary or vandalism;
- Persons loitering around schools, parks and secluded areas could be sex offenders;
- Persons loitering in the neighborhood who do not live there; and
- Anyone forcing entry to, or tampering with a residence, business, or vehicle should be reported.
Things to Watch Out For That Are Not So Obvious:
- Strangers and solicitorsVerify the employment of all solicitors, meter readers and repair personnel prior to allowing them entry into your home. This can be done by obtaining the employer’s number from the telephone book or by contacting directory assistance. Never take a telephone number offered by a suspicious person. Be suspicious of alleged delivery personnel with a wrong address or asking if someone lives there.
- Someone carrying property.If it’s at an unusual hour, unusual place, or if the property is not wrapped as if just purchased.
- Someone going door-to-door in your neighborhood.Watch for awhile. If after a few houses are visited, one or more persons tries a door to see if it is locked, looks into windows, or goes into a back or side yard, it could be a burglar. Call Elk Grove Police Department immediately; don’t wait for the person to leave.
- Traffic to and from a certain residence.It is not suspicious unless it occurs on a daily basis or very regular basis, especially during late or unusual hours.
- Any vehicle moving slowly and without lights, or following a course that appears aimless or repetitive in any location.Particularly in areas of schools, parks and playgrounds. Occupants may be looking for places to rob or burglarize, or they could be drug pushers or sex offenders.
- Parked vehicles containing one or more persons.If it is an unusual hour they could be lookouts for a burglary in progress.
- An abandoned vehicle parked on your block.May be a stolen vehicle.
- Continuous repair operations at non-business locations.It could mean stolen property is being stripped, repainted, or otherwise altered.
- Persons making a quick change of vehicles.May be attempting to elude the police or abandoning a stolen vehicle.
- One or more juveniles walking through the neighborhood looking into automobiles or backyards.
- Any person taking a shortcut through a backyard.
Hope this post finds you all in every other way well :) Happy Monday!
Monday, February 3, 2014
Susan Peters Newsletter
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