Thursday, January 3, 2013

Comments/Tips for Loose Dog/Updates/Important Dates

Good morning all and Happy New Year!

I hope you all have had a wonderful, restful holiday season and are ready to start the new year healthy and happy. Let's get down to business, shall we?

More Tips On Avoiding Loose Dog Threats

I wanted to share with you some helpful advice from a neighbor and how she handles security for herself and her dog when she walks on Lincoln.

I read with interest the article about what to do about loose dogs.  As a small-dog walker, I am concerned about encountering unfriendly, loose dogs. As a precaution, I carry in my pocket a small combination flashlight/stun gun.  I believe the noise alone would deter any dog.....or human for that matter.  I walk on Lincoln and feel better with a little self defense with me.  I bought it at the Smoke Shop in the BelAir shopping center at Manzanita and Cypress.

I have also been in contact with  Sacramento County Animal Control and they have suggested to be very careful about considering the use of mace or pepper spray since both can blow back in your's or your dog's face fairly easily. They suggest to carry a pop-up umbrella with you as 1. a noise/movement deterrent or distraction to the charging dog and 2. as a physical object to put between you and the approaching dog. They also suggest carrying a walking stick or using a bag or purse as a shield between you and the oncoming dog. The key is to not trigger a chase or prey response in the attacking dog, since this can often escalate the situation. Looking big, using a deep voice, putting objects between you, protecting vital organs, and carrying something with you like the flashlight/stun gun or a walking stick, can help tremendously.

Neighborhood Watch Coordinators- Newsletters

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Newsletters have been printed in modest amounts and will be delivered starting at 10 a.m. on the January 6th. We could really use your help getting these out to streets not currently being served by a neighborhood watch group, so if you can volunteer to help with passing these out to the needed areas, we would be very grateful. Please contact Olivia to let her know you can help out at olymag at comcast dot net.

This is the map showing areas covered and where we need help passing out newsletters.

Jan Park Watch Update

Just a little thank you to Matt, Som and Rick for getting the Park Watch signs up on the Salmaan and Jan sides of the park, they look great!

Remember- Park Rangers have been assigned at sporadic times to check the park and will ticket for unleashed dogs, not cleaning up after your pet, entry into the park after dark, and other violations. This includes neighbors!

For more information on the county park ordinances, check this link here:

Adopt-A-Park Workday - Jan Park

Meet at Jan Park on March 9th at 8:30 a.m. Keeping our park clean is a huge part of keeping it safe and comfortable for use by all of us, and requires more than the daily "walk by and pick it up" behavior I know we all try hard to employ on our every day outings. Please plan to help out for even a little bit-it means a lot to the Carmichael Park & Recreation District to have neighbors take responsibility of their park and be a part of keeping it beautiful. Since we do not collect any dues, we'll do our best to have a small snack and plenty of water to provide for our volunteers- we had close to 10 friends out on our last workday event and the CPRD staff were very grateful. Let's see if we can get 30 volunteers out this time!! :)

Sheriff's Dept Community Meeting - Carmichael

Meet your POP Officer and communicate your concerns, compliments, and recommendations at the Del Campo High School Library at 6:00 p.m. January 15th.

Neighborhood Watch Training for New Groups

To Be Determined (TBD) - Contact Sherrie Carhart for more information at 876-5717

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Thank you so much for taking the time to leave us a comment. We will do our best to respond in a timely manner, and ask that you contact the Sac Sheriff Dept. for immediate safety concerns of any type at 911 or 874-5115 (non-emergency). Be alert, be aware, and stay safe!