Monday, November 26, 2012

Crime Report 11/25/12

Good morning and Happy Monday!

I hope everyone had a chance to enjoy the beautiful sunshine while enjoying their Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends, it's been beautiful lately! Just getting out the weekly update for the page (you can check this out anytime at and wanted to let you all know that if you have a smart phone, there are even easier ways to stay up to date with what is going on in the area as well as send in an anonymous tip to local law enforcement for graffiti, vandalism, and other non-violent crimes not in progress.

The crime reports iPhone app can be found within the App Store at for free or you can download it from this link

The tip submit app is available for Androids and iPhones at this link

This information was shared with the crowd at the recent Sheriff's meeting at Del Campo High along with a lot more information about the goings on in the area. Come out for the next meetings after the new year to meet your POP officer and interact with fellow neighbors :)


The Sheriff's Dept. also recognizes the great need in our area to reopen the Sheriff's Service Center that was located in the Raley's Shopping Center on Manzanita, and are still working to find ways to make it work within their extremely restricted budget. Location has not been determined (they may have another nearby business spot that would offer them cheaper rent for a space), but in order for the Service Center to be able to reopen, they will need to rely very heavily on public volunteers to help answer phones, handle paperwork, and direct people who use the Center to the proper source of information to help their needs. If you are interested in volunteering (I believe there may be a minimum hours/week you can volunteer for) please contact Sherrie Carhart at 876-5700 or by email at

Newsletter Update

Olivia has been hard at work putting together an informative newsletter to get out to the neighborhood and I must admit, I think I'm the lagging end of this string :) We will do our best to get a newsletter completed and printed in the next few weeks, well before Christmas, and would appreciate help in distributing newsletters to streets where there we don't yet have Neighborhood Watch groups in effect. Please contact either one of us if you can help out.

Wishing you all an excellent and safe week!

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Thank you so much for taking the time to leave us a comment. We will do our best to respond in a timely manner, and ask that you contact the Sac Sheriff Dept. for immediate safety concerns of any type at 911 or 874-5115 (non-emergency). Be alert, be aware, and stay safe!