Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Frustrated With Speeding Cars in Your Neighborhood?

Hi neighbors,

Just wanted to share with you some information I received from a great guy at Sacramento DOT's Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (NTMP) regarding traffic easement requests in the County, and the process of requesting an evaluation by the County to determine the need of a neighborhood for things like stop signs or speed bumps to alleviate high traffic area or speeding. He was a wealth of information, and I would be happy to forward your questions or concerns to him or give you his contact information, just email me and let me know if you'd like to know more. I can also send you a pdf copy of these forms if you are interested. One thing I did want to mention is that both our POP officer and the gentleman from NTMP have suggested that neighbors with concerns about speeding in their neighborhoods contact CHP at 916-338-6710 to request additional speed limit enforcement in an area.

Remember to drive friendly!

Wishing you all an excellent week!

Attention Parents!!

This is the Captain Jerry Program aimed at kids and teaching children proper traffic safety. This is a great program to encourage your child's school to participate in :)

Friday, February 22, 2013

Crime Report 2/22/13-Important Dates-Street Group Update

Good Morning All!

How's the beautiful weather treating you this week? While our mornings are brisk, the sunshine is wonderous in the afternoons- I think we are even going to get near 70 degrees Fahrenheit today! Remember you can look at more information for our area at crimereports.com and even use their mobile phone app for free for your iPhone or Android device. Not all types of crimes are listed on this website and some cases take more time than others to be released, but it's an excellent resource none the less.

Important Dates and Volunteer Time

* Remember that March 9th, starting at 8:30 a.m. is our Adopt-A-Park Day with the Carmichael Recreation and Park District. It's really important to show the Park District that we care about keeping our park safe and clean and appreciate the work they do every day to make it one of the jewels of our neighborhood. Please grab a hat and some work gloves and meet us out at the park two Saturdays from now to pitch in. Last time, we had around 10 volunteers and we'd love to show the CRPD what this neighborhood can do when we get the word out! If you'd like to donate water or snacks or lend us a folding table for a headquarters for that day, just let myself or Olivia know. I will definitely have my large water thermos out on our lawn for volunteer use, and make sure I've got some coffee made for those who might need a little kick start for the morning!

UPDATE: Thank you so much Tiffany for offering the use of a folding table-so appreciated! Anyone else who would like to bring something or help out, please just let us know :)

* The other important date to remember for March is when the Sacramento Sheriff's Department invites the community to come get updates from their POP officers and get some face to face time to discuss neighborhood concerns. You can attend this meeting at 6:00 p.m. March 19th (3rd Tuesday of every other month) at the Del Campo High Library.

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Street Group Updates!

Last, but not least, I just wanted to point out to members on Jan Drive's West Loop near Jan Park, that our page has been updated recently with the date and time of our next meeting. We will also be adding an agenda to our Jan Drive/Jan Park Watch street group page on the side bar of the blog sometime early next week.

Because Park Watch is designed through the National Crime Council to be taken on by primarily those neighbors in the immediate adjacent vicinity of a neighborhood park, but we don't have a lot of current active Street Watch groups on the Salmaan side of the park at this time, we would happily welcome anyone near the park, or neighbors that use the park who have safety requests, concerns, or questions to please attend this meeting as well. The more the merrier!

We also have happily had a request to add Rampart/Onyx, an excellent active street group, to our list of pages on the side and will look forward to hearing updates about their activities in the future. If you are a coordinator of a street group, we would love to add your group to our list and would be happy to update or share any information you would like us to with the local community. This is exactly what this blog is all about!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Newletter from Sherrie Carhart-Sacramento Sheriff's Dept.

 Please contact Sherrie Carhart to get on her email list for better copies of these materials, so she can keep you informed on Neighborhood Watch events and tips, and be aware of the amount of interest out in the community. Thank you.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Crime Report 2/12/13

Hoping everyone is having a safe and happy week. Please make sure to remember to report all suspicious activity to the Sheriff's Dept. and let your street coordinator know if a crime has occurred so we can pass on information quickly and effectively to help protect our neighbors.

Dates To Remember-Need Your Help!

Adopt A Park Clean-Up day is coming up March 9th, 2013 starting at 8:30 a.m. and we could really use volunteers to come out and help clean-up the park with the Carmichael Parks and Recreation District. Wear gloves and a hat, and come out to do your part, even if only for an hour. Contact myself or Olivia with any questions you may have about this event and if you would like to donate water, snacks, or a pop-up table to act as a central location for volunteers, please let us know asap.

 Help Keep Our Park Clean!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

School Alert from Sherrie Carhart's Office

This alert is part of the on-going effort to keep you informed of events related to safety on
SJUSD school campuses.
Bulletin # 130207-01 Incident
Date/Time 2/7/2013 at approximately 6:30 A.M.
Location of Incident: Lincoln Avenue
Type Incident Suspicious Activity
Synopsis of Incident:
It was reported that four Barrett students ranging in ages from 11-13 were
followed by a man in a vehicle as they were on their way to school Thursday,
February 07, 2013 at approximately 6:30 A.M. The students reported
the man drove past them three times on Lincoln Avenue at a low rate of speed
before they ran to a nearby house and called law enforcement. The man did
not make any comments to the students. The Sacramento County Sheriff’s
Department responded and took a report.
Suspect Information :
Caucasian male, medium build to heavyset, in his 40’s or 50’s with short gray
Suspect Vehicle: White van with tinted windows. No license plate number obtained.
Crime Bulletin Completed by and contact number;
Julie Sarell; Safe Schools Dispatcher
If you see anyone matching this description, please contact
Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department (916) 874-5115.
If you see any suspicious activity on or around your school, please contact the Safe
Schools Office immediately at (916) 971-7911, Monday thru Friday 7:30am-3:30pm.
After 3:30pm you may contact the SJUSD Security Dispatcher at (916) 971-7000.

Sherrie Carhart
Crime Prevention Specialist
North Division

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Neighborhood Report-Recycling Bins Being Raided

Here is a report this morning from Olivia, our head coordinator for Lincoln-Barrett Neighborhood Watch:

I just noticed a couple (female driver and man going through cans) driving a beige Honda odyssey driving towards jan drive heading towards winding way. The vehicle does not have license plates. They are going through recycling bins on each street. I've called the Sheriffs department if you see them please call the Sheriffs non emergency number. This couple does not belong in our neighborhood.

Once again, the number for the non-emergency line for the Sheriff's Dept. is 874-5115