Just wanted to share with you some information I received from a great guy at Sacramento DOT's Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (NTMP) regarding traffic easement requests in the County, and the process of requesting an evaluation by the County to determine the need of a neighborhood for things like stop signs or speed bumps to alleviate high traffic area or speeding. He was a wealth of information, and I would be happy to forward your questions or concerns to him or give you his contact information, just email me and let me know if you'd like to know more. I can also send you a pdf copy of these forms if you are interested. One thing I did want to mention is that both our POP officer and the gentleman from NTMP have suggested that neighbors with concerns about speeding in their neighborhoods contact CHP at 916-338-6710 to request additional speed limit enforcement in an area.
Remember to drive friendly!
Wishing you all an excellent week!
Attention Parents!!
This is the Captain Jerry Program aimed at kids and teaching children proper traffic safety. This is a great program to encourage your child's school to participate in :)